Documentary - 12 Minutes - 2023
Liora is an Ethiopian woman that married a white man and the only Ethiopian that live in Bat Ayin in Gush Etzion. Liora dreams to increase the Ethiopian culture and music to the centrum of the Israeli existence.
Narrative fiction
Kobi Machat
Alon Gur Arye
Igor Raizberg
Roy Hornshtein
Erez Hadad
Eran B.Y
Moshe Alafi
Itzik Lerner
Liel Sharon Gur
Elisheva Ginsburg
Elad Mukades
Hagit Ash Hershtik
Chen klein
Moriya Yair Mintzer
Yochai Shalom Hadad
Aryeh Minkov
Noam Kedar
Avraham Shapira
Tal Koushner
Efrat Libi
Yochai Rosenberg, Pnina Geffen
Moti Maor
Yoav Elitzur
Danny Raisfeld & Yariv Horowitz
Yehudit Pasal
Noam Keidar
Yochay Rosenberg
Inbar Namdar
Dani Zur
Ariel Weisbrod and Yossi Meiri
Chen Klein
Yehudit Ever
David Tauber